life can be so difficult sometimes part 2
life can be so difficult sometimes. I used my second bike and went to my yoga class, then wanted to visit a number of galleries of interest. the day was very cloudy and rain was predicted for the later afternoon. I did see many artists' work that I like, especially Dona Nelson, who created these two-sided canvasses of pressure washed colors. Jesper Just had a new film in lovely wide screen. Very heavy content. And some lighter stuff, using things you can find in a 99ยข store.

So, after the money art (not to be confused in general for all the art created FOR the market, having little to do with other ideas about what ART is essentially about....oh, I know, we can debate that and talk about appropriation and property and commodities....blah blah blah)....but, as mentioned above, life can be so difficult sometimes. it started to rain a tiny bit and I decided to start the journey back home (which would take 45 minutes). no reason to wait until the downpour.
I had not eaten lunch and was very hungry, so I stopped at one of my fav chinese buffets in chinatown, and got my $3 takeout of rice, spicy tofu, greens and mushrooms). Hopped on my bike, back into traffic, and within 3 minutes, the takeout bag slipped from my hands and landed in the middle of the street.....the end of my lunch.
I was sad, but the birds were happy.


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