life can be so difficult sometimes part 1

life can be so difficult sometimes. first deciding to go from A to B. then actually going from A to B. recently, I left A and went to B, using my primary mode of transportation, my bicycle. it was to be a mundane journey. like anywhere, I locked my bike to the street sign (on the sidewalk, by the curb), and went inside this building. After 20 minutes, I returned to the bike, and noticed it was in a slightly different position. perhaps, someone tried to steal and could not. who knows. unlocked it and when I tried to move it to jump on, it would not move. oh dear, the rear wheel is all bent up! some automobile must have hit it. not far from me was this SUV, parked half on the street, and half on the sidewalk. a very old man closed the side door and looked at me funny. I asked if he hit my bike, and, of course, he denied it; but I did notice that the front corner of his SUV already had paint missing. so, he's been hitting other things too. Now, how do I get from B to A????
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